Red Flags for Student Referrals to ASPIRE

Red flags to watch out for in yourself, friends or family

  • Student is consistently late for mandatory meetings or lectures: time management support
  • If a student has a condition that might need extra support or accommodations.  For example: Stuttering, ADHD, Anxiety, Autism spectrum, etc.
  • Student is showing signs of or expresses concern about struggles with alcohol or substance use.
  • Student seems consistently overwhelmed or expresses feeling overwhelmed with balancing life and medical school.
  • If you notice a personality change or increase in cynicism (burnout).
  • Student seems isolated or is withdrawing from support systems.
  • Student is not sleeping.
  • Student is having interpersonal issues with peers, roommates, and/or staff.
  • If a student is experiencing or expressing situation, non-verbal, or verbal clues of suicidal ideation. 
    • Situational: recent major loss (relationship, death of loved one/peer), failure of exam/course/boards.
    • Non-verbal: Change in personality, agitation, withdrawn, giving away important items
    • Verbal: “you won’t’ have to worry about me for long”, “I don’t want to be here”, I don’t see the point anymore”, etc.
  • Student is struggling with self-care: not eating, bad hygiene, not engaging in restorative activities outside of school, etc.
  • Student asking for help ineffectively, needing help but not being able to formulate specific request about what they need.  
  • Student is struggling with obvious test taking skills and/or test anxiety.

When in doubt, give ASPIRE a call and check it out. 

ASPIRE: 304-647-6324

WellConnect 24/7 Mental Health and Crisis Support

866-640-4777 or (School Code WVSOM)