Institutional Policy: R-02

Allocation of Institutional Funds
January 26, 2024

R 02-1. Authority

W. Va. Code § 18B-1-6

R 02-2. Policy


Research is a universally-accepted form of professional development and it is, therefore, the right of every faculty member to pursue this endeavor in addition to their teaching and other duties and responsibilities.


The research physical plant is established for common research use and any faculty member requiring space or equipment on campus may apply to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean or designee, as appointed by the President, for space, equipment, etc.  The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean, or designee, has the function to assist the researcher in any way practical.  Research intramural grant applications are considered by the Faculty Research Committee and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean or designee, during the spring semester of each year to recommend the allocation of necessary funding from the research budget. Funds are allotted to faculty on the basis of project merit, past productivity and availability.  Inactive researchers may lose space and funding if the resources are required by active research members of the faculty.  Researchers may request professional leave and funding to present their work at recognized meetings.


All WVSOM faculty are eligible for research support regardless of length of institution contract; however, their application must ensure no degradation of teaching.