Procedure for Institutional Policy GA-11: Record Retention

February 24, 2021

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to implement Institutional Policy GA-11: Record Retention.

2.  Applicability


This procedure applies to all record retention management practices in all administrative units across the institution.


WVSOM reserves the right to amend this procedure at any time, as necessary or appropriate.

3.  General Provision


WVSOM will develop and maintain a Record Retention Schedule that sets forth how records should be handled after the period of their active use.


The Record Retention Schedule is set forth in the Appendix of this procedure.


The guidelines set forth in the Record Retention Schedule are subject to change in federal, state, or local law, or contractual obligations of the institution. In the event of a conflict between the Record Retention Schedule and federal, state, or local law, or contractual obligations of the institution, the more restrictive requirement should be followed.