Institutional Policy: E-09

June 21, 2023

E 09-1. Authority

W. Va. Code § 18B-1-6

E 09-2. D.O. Students

2.1 First and Second Years


Students are expected to attend all lectures and are responsible for all material presented in lectures, handouts, and assigned readings.  Attendance and participation at any required activities (i.e. demonstrations, laboratories, small group sessions, lectures, exams, Objective Structured Clinical Exams, Hospital Day, or conferences) is mandatory.  If a student anticipates an absence from a required activity, or if an emergency arises, the student shall contact the instructor involved, when possible, in advance of the scheduled activity.  The student must also contact the office of the appropriate associate dean who will, with the input from the instructor and with the appropriate documentation from the student, determine if the absence is to be excused.  Whether the student is excused or unexcused from the required activity, the activity must be made up in a manner determined by the instructor.  Documentation of any absence is expected and is to be submitted to the appropriate associate dean.


For chronic health related absences, the appropriate associate dean may request the student to be evaluated by an appropriate health care professional.  Penalties for unexcused absences are defined in the course syllabi.

2.2 Third and Fourth Years

Attendance is a vital part of the clinical training experience; therefore, attendance is required for the entire duration of each clinical rotation.  Failure to report on time, attend orientations, be present during a rotation, or departure prior to the end of a rotation may result in a grade of 65 (F) being issued for the rotation.  If the student anticipates an absence from any of these clinical activities, or if an emergency arises, the student must contact the preceptor, and his or her regional assistant dean who has the authority to decide whether the absence is excused.  Penalties for unexcused absences or failure to attend required didactic programs are defined in the clinical education training handbook.

E 09-3. Graduate Students


Students are expected to attend all lectures and are responsible for all material presented in lectures, handouts, and assigned readings. Attendance and participation at any required activities (i.e. demonstrations, laboratories, small group sessions, lectures, exams, Hospital Day, or conferences) is mandatory. If a student anticipates an absence from a required activity, or if an emergency arises, the student shall contact the instructor involved, when possible, in advance of the scheduled activity. The student must also contact the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs who will, with the input from the instructor and with the appropriate documentation from the student, determine if the absence is to be excused. Whether the student is excused or unexcused from the required activity, the activity must be made up in a manner determined by the instructor. Documentation of any absence is expected and is to be submitted to the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs.


For chronic health related absences, the appropriate associate dean may request the student to be evaluated by an appropriate health care professional. Penalties for unexcused absences are defined in the course syllabi.

E 09-4. Exceptions

Exceptions to this general policy for a specific course or activity may occur.  Students will be notified of those modifications in the course syllabus.  The course coordinator retains the right to modify the syllabus.  All such modifications to the syllabus must be approved by the appropriate associate dean with reasonable written notice to students.