WVSOM policy prohibits sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This page outlines steps to take depending on what services you want or need.
WVSOM Title IX Interim CoordinatorDawn Roberts, Associate Dean, Office of Student AffairsCampus Office: SC 101GEmail Address: droberts@osteo.wvsom.eduOffice Telephone Number: 304-793-6591
Institutional Policy GA-14: Title IX, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination
4th Floor, Quad Suite 420Ginger Conley, Julianna Quick & Kelley Sills, Licensed Professional Counselors/Learning Specialists304-647-6324 (office line)304-520-5856 (after hours crisis line)
804 Industrial Park Road, Maxwelton, WV 24957304-497-0500
1464 Jefferson Street North, Lewisburg, WV 24901304-645-3220
1320 Maplewood Avenue, Ronceverte, WV 24970304-647-4411
540 North Jefferson Street, Lewisburg, WV 24901>br> 304-645-6334
125 Green Lane, Lewisburg, WV 24901304-645-3131
Other Services Available for Victims
This information is provided when a student or employee reports to the institution that they have been a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, whether the offense occurred on or off campus.
Victims are often concerned about how the costs of a sexual assault forensic examination will be covered. The West Virginia Forensic Medical Examination Fund was established by the state legislature (WVC§61-8B-16) to pay for "all reasonable and customary costs of a forensic medical examination." No payment from the fund is provided for non-forensic procedures or treatment—therefore, victims will most likely be responsible for any medical treatment, either through private pay or private insurance. Victims who report the assault to law enforcement within 72 hours (unless just cause exists) can apply to the West Virginia Crime Victims Compensation Fund for reimbursement of out-of-pocket medical costs. Victims may contact the Greenbrier Valley Medical Center (304-647-4411) to obtain a sexual assault forensic examination.
Having a forensic exam does not require a police report, but a forensic exam can help preserve evidence. Such evidence may be useful in obtaining a protection order or in proceeding with a criminal investigation should you choose to do so.
Medical exams can also address other physical needs or trauma and assess for sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.
If possible, please do not bathe, douche, smoke, use the toilet or clean the location where the incident occurred. Save items you were wearing, sheets, or towels in a paper bag. Text messages, records of phone calls, emails, pictures, notes, and gifts can all be pertinent for a report of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking.
To make a report for investigation on campus, contact the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator can also assist you in accessing the accommodations listed below, regardless of where you choose to report.
For confidential assistance, contact ASPIRE and/or the Family Refuge Center.
You may choose to report to law enforcement for investigation, or you can decline to notify law enforcement. The Title IX investigators can assist you in contacting law enforcement. A report may be made to:
West Virginia State Police381 Greenbrier RoadLewisburg, WV 24901(304)-647-7600
Copies of any orders of protection, no contact orders, restraining orders or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal, civil, or tribal court should be provided to the Title IX Coordinator and WVSOM Campus Security which is provided by the West Virginia State Police.
In accordance with Institutional Policy GA-14, WVSOM must maintain as confidential any supportive measures provided, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of WVSOM to provide the supportive measures.
WVSOM will not disclose the name of any victims in the Annual Security Report and in issuing any timely warnings.
In accordance with Institutional Policy GA-14, the Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of supportive measures, including, for example:
These supportive measures are available if the victim requests them and they are reasonably available, regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to campus security or local law enforcement.
In accordance with Institutional Policy GA-14, under the formal resolution process, complaints will be investigated by two Title IX Investigators. A final report will be generated and delivered to the Hearing Officer(s) who will conduct a hearing, make a determination, and issue a sanction, if applicable, and in accordance with the sanctions outlined in the policy. Both parties have a right to an appeal on the bases outlined in GA-14.